VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

Finalbuilder 8 Beta is now available for download. This post describes what's new/changed in FinalBuilder 8.

Each version of Delphi adds around 200 characters to your system path. With the windows path length limit, strange things happen when it get's too long.

SmartBear recently discontinued development of Automated Build Studio, this post details a Special Offer to ABS users.

In this post I go into how to integrate FinalBuilder into your TFS build process.

Roy Osherove posted this video explaining the difference between Automated Builds and CI (ie, FinalBuilder vs Continua CI)

If your Continua CI builds produce HTMl report files, the Reports feature makes it easy to display these files along with your build results. This post shows how.

In this post we'll take a look at integrating Delphi/DUnitX unit tests into Continua CI builds.

FinalBuilder adds support for Amazon's EC2 Cloud Services.

NuGet is a open source package management tool for .NET applications. It allows you to very simply install, create and share reusable assemblies. With the latest release, FinalBuilder now contains a set of actions to help you interact with NuGet as part of your automated build process.

Over the next few posts, I'm going to try to talk about some of the lesser known features in FinalBuilder, and show some ideas and techniques that I hope will help you improve your FinalBuilder projects.