VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

Would you like part of your build process to be famous?

FinalBuilder advertises in the MSDN magazine which has a readership of over 70,000 people.

Every month we create a new "mini build" which appears in the advertisment.  Our past ads are here: https://www.finalbuilder.com/finalbuilder/advertising.html

So - send us your mini-build and the August edition of MSDN can feature your build process!  Vincent and I will choose the most interesting set of FinalBuilder actions to include on the ad.

The conditions are:
1.  15 to 20 actions (we must be able to fit it in the available space)
2.  Any actions are allowed, including custom actions
3.  Submissions must be a .fbz3 or .fbp3 file
4.  Email all submissions to tate at finalbuilder.com
5.  Dealine: 1 June 2005
6.  Judges decision is Final :)

Good luck!

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