Continua CI 1.8 Version History


August 29th, 2016



  • Fix: Issue with expressions, in Configuration Conditions for example, where type was not taken into account when comparing. This would cause numbers and dates to be compared alphabetically.
  • Fix: Added repository polling queue to deal with various threading and startup issues with manual polled repositories.
  • Fix: Subversion repositories would incorrectly show Tags Path validation error when saving.
  • Fix: Issue where AssemblyInfo Updater action would ignore multiple files patterns in different folders.
  • Fix: Multiple report types are now were not being sent to the command line correctly with the ReportGenerator action.
  • Fix: Branches with a numeric name no longer cause an error when updating the repository cache.
  • Fix: Error with duplicate dictionary entries when fetching Git changes.

  • Update: The ReportGenerator action has now been revised to support more recent features such as class filters and additonal report types.
  • Update: Octopus Deploy status reporting amended to deal with changes in recent versions.
  • Update: Added credential.interactive=never setting to Git repository caches to prevent dialogs opening when validating credentials.

  • Additional debug logging and exception handling


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


August 10th, 2016



  • Fix: Race condition when resetting repository causing invalid repository cache.
  • Fix: Issue with Plastic SCM repository where repository cache was removed if the repository contains an ignore.conf file.
  • Fix: Repository poll url was incorrect when opened on configuration wizard page.
  • Fix: Added null checks to all page views.
  • Fix: Removed scrolling from build status message.
  • Fix: Event log messages were not being logged when there was only one logger in configuration (the default).
  • Update: Added verbose logging option to Assembly Info Updater action.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


July 29th, 2016



  • Fix: Issue where Subversion repositories set to Detect and Checkout externals would retrigger builds on server restart and cause Continua to build externals to on old changesets.
  • Fix: "Tag Repository Changeset" event handler now fails build correctly when there is an error and "Fail build on error" is ticked.
  • Fix: Fixed database error after detection of a Mercurial repository tag move to an earlier changeset.
  • Fix: Display issue with Clone Configuration dialog in MS browsers.
  • Fix: Ensure that agent compatibility cache is always updated when agent properties are changed.
  • Fix: Additional null checks on some views.
  • Update: "Added option to "Tag Repository Changeset" event handler to "Warn and continue if tag does not exist" when deleting.
  • Update: New option to Specify Configuration File on NuGet Restore action. You can clear this to prevent Continua CI automatically detecting the configuration file and sending the path to the -ConfigFile argument on the Nuget command line. This allows NuGet to detect the configuration file instead.
  • Update: Added a "Continue with warning if any of the test assemblies are missing or invalid" option to NUnit action. This is to deal with a change in NUnit 3 where an error code is returned if any test assemblies are invalid or don't contain any test fixtures.
  • Update: Improvements to agent registration scheduling to deal with clock changes on agent.
  • Update: If an agent detected as offline, Continua will now wait longer (up to 5 minutes) before stopping the build.
  • Update: Increased size of build status message field.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


July 14th, 2016



  • Fix: Issue where repository scope would remain unchanged when cloning configurations.
  • Fix: Branch mapping button would sometimes not be shown when a mapping exists on queue options dialog.
  • Fix: Issue where TFS repository would fail to connect with blank username and password.
  • Fix: Now escaping multi-select variables in FinalBuilder context XML file.
  • Fix: Issue where old branches would not be removed after changing repository branch pattern.
  • Update: Improvements to filtering and sorting on configuration changes page.
  • Update: NUnit parser updated to deal with reports with missing assembly test-suite.
  • Update: Improvements to Subversion branch pattern and url validation.
  • Update: The file logger (for debugging) now rolls over when file size is greater than 100MB.
  • Update: Improvement to filtering on administration repositories page.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


June 22nd, 2016



  • Feature: Added option to automatically apply Continua CI variable values to matching FinalBuilder variables. Requires FinalBuilder version or above.
  • Feature: Added field to specify a top-level relative folder under the Team Project for TFS repositories.
  • Feature: New separate Platform field for MS Build action as a quick way to add platform property. Renamed existing Platform field to Bitness for clarity.
  • Feature: Added checkbox to 7-Zip Create action to log file matches.
  • Feature: Administration repositories page can now be filtered by repository name and sorted by type.
  • Update: Builds now react more quickly when ending quiet period.
  • Update: Updated emailing component to latest version.
  • Update: Issue where long repository name would overflow on Queue Options dialog.
  • Update: Updated the formatting of password reset pages.
  • Fix: Regression bug causing checkbox list selections to be lost when reopening the dialog after save.
  • Fix: Issue where changesets would not accumulate when waiting on configuration conditions.
  • Fix: Issue where file path matches would not be found for Copy, Move and 7-Zip Create actions if there was an extra space at the end of each line.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


May 31st, 2016



  • Fix: Regression bug preventing editing of project variables.
  • Fix: Added validation to prevent creation of project with duplicate slug.
  • Fix: Improvements to Git hooks when using scripts added to repository.
  • Update: New "Contains any of" and "Does not contain any of" operators for use in expressions. Can be used to test if variable contains the text of one of a comma-delimited list of items. e.g. "/path/to/branch2" ContainsAnyOf "branch1,branch2,branch3" evaluates as true


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


May 25th, 2016



  • Feature: Git repository post-checkout hooks and scripts. Git repositories now have a new Scripts tab where you can now specify a Bash shell script to run on the Git working directory after checkout. This can be run directly or as a Git hook, and can be used to write Git status and commit details to a file which is then added to the changeset source files. Note that these scripts run on the server and can only be edited by administrators or users with a new Manage Server-Side Scripts permission. The feature can be locked down using the Continua.ExecuteRepositoryServerSideScripts app setting in the server configuration file. See the Git page in the documentation for more details.
  • Update: You can now use commas in Checkbox Select and Dropdown Select variable prompts options and values. Multiple values can now be entered one per line as the initial value for Checkbox Select variable prompts. The values will be stored as quoted comma-delimited lists e.g. "Public, Joe", "Bloggs, Fred". These are split into lines when passed into the FinalBuilder actions, but passed to other actions unchanged.
  • Update: The configuration changesets view is now ordered by date instead of Git topological order when there is more than one repository associated with the configuration.
  • Update: Now redirecting to the welcome page if all administrators are disabled in Forms authentication mode, allowing you to register a new administrator.
  • Fix: Bug when parsing DUnit and NUnit results in locales where the decimal separator is a comma.
  • Fix: File Copy and Move actions no longer repeatedly log the full list of files for every pattern.
  • Fix: Issue with Subversion repositories when saving changesets with a lot of externals to a SQL Server database.
  • Fix: GitHub Status and Stash Status build event handlers no longer report an error if any non-related Git repository associated with the configuration has an invalid Repository Url.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


May 16th, 2016



  • Fix: Issue with Git repositories where commit pushed to two branches without merge would only be listed on one branch.
  • Fix: Bug when parsing decimals in OpenCover metrics.
  • Update: Some improvements to service CPU usage.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


May 5th, 2016



  • Fix: Regression bug where issue connectors were not being linked to changesets.
  • Fix: Regression bug causing incorrect unit test totals to be shown.
  • Fix: Icon was missing for Maven action.
  • Update: New options for logging environment variables and generating system environment variables for all actions running command line processes.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


May 3rd, 2016



  • Feature: New Karma test runner action
  • Feature: New Maven build action
  • Update: Repository trigger fields now allow expressions. You can now use variables in branch, tag and file patterns.
  • Update: Added OpenCover code coverage metrics. You can now check the value of $Build.Metrics.OpenCover.MaxCyclomaticComplexity$, $Build.Metrics.OpenCover.SequenceCoverage$ and other expressions in the Stage gate.
  • Update: Added property collector for Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
  • Fix: Now correctly delimiting multi-line variables before sending to FinalBuilder.
  • Fix: Stash server url field expressions were not being expanded.
  • Fix: Now expanding the value of variables sent to processes as system environment variables e.g. ContinuaCI.Variable.Var1.
  • Fix: Command line arguments were not being written to build log correctly.
  • Fix: Now trimming spaces from start and end of trigger branch pattern before evaluating matches.
  • Fix: Improved handling of agent registration errors to log warnings unless the error is repeated.
  • Some performance and caching improvements.
  • Text updates.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build


April 13th, 2016



  • Feature: New VSTest action
  • Fix: Improvements to time taken to stop builds.
  • Fix: Issue where updated repository was not found when promoting a build stage.
  • Fix: Now ensuring that stage state is always updated when stopping builds.
  • Fix: Issue where stage would sit in the queue unnecessarily for another stage which was waiting for a shared resources.
  • Fix: Prevention of timeline spamming while waiting on build and stage queues.
  • Fix: Default action timeout is now set to 0 to prevent validation warning.
  • Fix: Issue where build would fail due to missing agent properties if it was started too soon after the service was started.
  • Fix: Now ensuring that agent reservation is released when stage is waiting in queue for license
  • Fix: Corrections to stage queue timeline status messages.
  • Updates to help text and links for new features.


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build

v1.8.0.84 beta

April 6th, 2016



  • Update: Added a Timeout (in seconds) field to all actions which run external processes
  • Fix: Issue where agent would appear to be offine when stage is waiting in queue.
  • Fix: Issue where multiple identical messages would appear in the timeline while stage is waiting in queue.
  • Included all fixes in v1.7.1.258


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build

v1.8.0.79 beta

April 4th, 2016



  • Update: Added debounce to dashboard filtering to prevent multiple refreshes for fast typists
  • Fix: Issue where stage queue would not release server shared resource if no agents were available.
  • Included all fixes in v1.7.1.251


Note : You will need to update your agents after installing this build

v1.8.0.57 beta

March 7th, 2016

New Version 1.8 Features

Dashboard Filtering

We've added a new filter box to the dashboard so you can quickly find the configuration that you are looking for as you type.

Shared Resources

You can now limit the number of builds or stages which can access the same named shared resource concurrently. This can be useful if you wish to restrict the number of times a particular tool is run due to a license or memory limit, or to prevent concurrency issues with multiple build stages simultaneously writing to the same file, folder or network resource.

Shared resources can be associated with the server or an agent in the Administration pages. They can have a quota or multiple labelled quotas. Builds can be set up to require server shared resource locks in the Configuration Conditions. Stages can be setup to require agent or server shared resource locks in a new Shared Resource Locks tab on the Stage Options dialog.

Shared resource locks are automatically released at the end of the build or stage which acquired the lock.

Requeue Build

A new Requeue button has been added to the Build view page. This allows you to requeue an existing build using the same changesets, variables and queue options. The build will run for the latest configuration with any changes to stage actions, repositories etc.

A "Build Requeue Options" menu item opens dialog allowing you to change priority, comment and variables before requeuing the build.

Persist Build Variables

Continua CI takes a copy of configuration and project variables at the start of each build. Any changes to these build variables are discarded when the build finishes and cannot be used by other builds. A new Persist Build Variable build event handler allows you to store the value of the build variables as the default value of the configuration variable. The next build will then pick up the revised value for the build variable.

You can specify which build event triggers the variable persistence. You can also specify that the variable should not be persisted if the configuration variable was modified since a particular event. This is important as Continua allows multiple builds to run concurrently and you may otherwise get unpredictable results. We also recommended using shared resource locks in conjunction with this feature with prevent concurrency issues.

Additional Improvements

  • Variable prompt ordering. Variables now have a display order property allowing you to specify the order of variable prompts on the Queue Options dialog.
  • Clone buttons for Triggers, Repositories and Build Event Handlers.
  • Configuration Conditions can now be disabled.
  • Cake build action.

Note : You will need to update your agents after upgrading the server to this build.