Automise 5 Version History


- July 16th, 2024 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - SSH Actions - re-implemented with new library - see blog for breaking change.
  • Enhancement - S3 Actions - Added support for 3rd party S3 compatible services.
  • BUG - MSSQL Execute Action - unicode output option caused invalid command line option to be supplied.



- May 17th, 2024 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Regression - Fixed regression bug that resulted in some variable dropdowns being empty
  • Enhancement - Load Variables from Ini Action - added count of selected variables.
  • Enhancement - SFTP Upload - added improved exception error reporting.
  • Enhancement - S3 Actions - actions can now use IAM auth when run on EC2 instance and no credentials provided.
  • BUG - S3 Delete Object - variables were not expanded.
  • BUG - Run Dos command - fixed exit code control positioning.
Automise IDE
  • Enhancment - Refactored all variable dropdown lists so they update when variables are added via F3.



- August 1st, 2023 - Download

Automise Core
  • Enhancement - Logging - Added ability to control where log file is placed.
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Touch Files Action - Added option to use Variable for datetime.
  • Enhancement - S3 Actions - Updated S3 sdk to
  • BUG - Execute Program Action - Changed return code data type to enable access to all possible values.
  • BUG - Execute PowerShell Script Action - action did not handle named parameters correctly.
  • BUG - Execute Powershell Script Action - spaces after the script file name were not trimmed.


- February 21st, 2023 - Download

Automise Core
  • BUG - Fixed a regression bug with the OnRetry script event.


- February 8th, 2023 - Download

Automise IDE
  • BUG - Fixed infinite loop bug in Powershell syntax highlighter with ^ character.
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Delete Directory Action - improved error reporting.
  • Enhancement - Hyper-V Actions - Log any errors if WMI virtualization namespaces are not found.
  • Enhancement - Hyper-V Actions - added check whether running in admin mode before outputing suggestion to do so.
  • Enhancement - Action RetryCount - move reset to zero before action rather than after - so it is available in AfterAction event.
  • Enhancement - Added OnRetry script event to all actions.
  • BUG - S3 Actions - UI description for US East 1/2 were reversed.


- August 31st, 2022 - Download

Automise IDE
  • BUG - Logging - Do not show skipped actions when viewing errored actions.
  • BUG - Export Log - fixed error in flat html output stylesheet.
  • BUG - Fixed memory leak when copy/pasting actions.
Automise Actions
  • BUG - Async Action Group - fixed random error under heavy load/lots of threads.
  • BUG - Action Group - Local variables Canonicalize Path setting did not load correctly.
  • BUG - 7zip Create Action - fixed Add Folder incorrectly adding wildcard.
  • Enhancement - HTTP Get Action - Added UserAgent property which defaults to same as Chrome - some servers didn't like the previous default.


- May 3rd, 2022 - Download

  • net framework 4.7.2 or higher is now required to allow TSL 1.2 support in some actions.
  • Enhancement - improved error reporting when a process is terminated.
  • Enhancement - Removed superfluous [End Message Group] log message.
  • BUG - fixed issue with params file option.
Automise IDE
  • BUG - Search whole words option did not work correctly..
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - CSV Iterator Action - Improved invalid encoding handling.
  • BUG - Async Group Action - Changes to properties in the After Action script event could affect how child actions run.
  • BUG - CSV Iterator Action - Fixed issue with handling file encoding with byte order marks.
  • BUG - If Then action - incorrect text for "ends with", does not end with".
  • BUG - Create XML Node - fixed error handling when failing to save xml document.
  • BUG - AWS S3 Actions - updated region list and sdk version used.


- Jan 24th, 2022 - Download

Automise IDE
  • BUG - Variables Watch Window - fixed issue with local variable watches not working correctly.
  • BUG - Fixed issue with variable namespace heirachy after pasting actions which own variable namespaces (Action Groups)
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Powershell Action - wrap provided script in try/catch to allow detection of failures.
  • BUG - Run ActionList Action - Recursion sometimes failed with no error.
  • BUG - Http Get Action - fixed saving file to directory using server filename failed.
  • BUG - Find Files Action - fixed handling of ? wildcards.
  • BUG - CSV field iterator action - fixed issue with duplicate script parameters after multiple runs.



- Sept 9th, 2021 - Download

Automise Core
  • Bug - Core - Fixed stack overflow when actionlists called recursively.
Automise Actions
  • BREAKING CHANGE - SSH/SFTP Actions - PrivateKey password is now a separate field - no longer using the Password field.
  • BUG - FTPS Connect Action - Auth setting always passed Auto.
  • Enhancement - ADO Iterator Action - Re-implemented timeout to use standard timeout UI.
  • Enhancement - Added WinSCP Run Script Action.
Automise IDE
  • BUG - Fixed small memory leak.
  • Enhancement - Light theme - improved styling of disabled edit controls.



- July 5th, 2021 - Download

Automise Core
  • Enhancement - Improved error handling when opening corrupt log files..
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Set Variable Action - Added vertical scrollbar to new value text box.
  • Change - String Pos Action - don't log input string as it could be very large.
Automise IDE
  • BUG - Search did not search action group variable values.
  • BUG - Fixed focus issue with script editor find/replace dialogs closing causing IDE to lose focus.
  • BUG - Fixed small memory leak when opening property dialogs.
  • Enhancement - Search Window - added option to control searching disabled actions - also colours disabled actions in search results.
  • Enhancement - Allow changing action enabled & ignore failure while project running, only if the action is not running or paused.



- April 12th, 2021 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - SFTP Actions - Added SFTP Create Symlink Action.
Automise IDE
  • BUG - Fixed exception in Schedule Tasks window when tasks have no triggers.
  • BUG - Filtering Log by Action always loaded the most recent log, rather than using the one currently open.
  • BUG - Tip of the day next/previous was not working.
  • BUG - Ensure search window restores if it was minimised when invoking the search function.
  • BUG - IDE was saving options on shutdown even when not needed.
  • BUG - Fixed small memory leak.
  • BUG - Fixed file extension not changing correctly when using Save As and changing the file type.



- January 29th, 2021 - Download

Automise Actions
  • BUG - SSH Actions - Fixed issue with control char handling messing up output formatting.
  • BUG - Get DateTime Action - Variable type label did not display the correct types.
  • Enhancement - Added Get DateTime Difference Action
Automise IDE
  • BUG - Fixed issue with select next/previous search result not highlighting actions in the IDE.



- December 8th, 2020 - Download

Automise Installer
  • Enhancement - Updated installer to not use temp file for ini updater and log exit code.
Automise Actions
  • BUG - Export Log Action - Exporting current project in Included Project was not working.
  • Enhancement - Signtool action - suppress key container from logging as it may contain EV cert password.
  • Enhancement - If..Then action - added StartWith, NotStartsWith, EndsWith and NotEndsWith operators.
  • Enhancement - Async Group Action - Change - Changed Thread Start Delay propery to Milliseconds.



- November 4th, 2020 - Download

Automise Core
  • BUG - Fixed issue with Macro variables and Cannonicalize Paths.
Automise Actions
  • BUG - Registry Actions - registered rtExpandString constant with scripting engine.
  • BUG - FTP Upload Action - missing / in logged path when uploading multiple files.
  • Enhancement - String Replace Action - Added "Fail if Search string not found" option and improved logging.



- September 30th, 2020 - Download

Automise Installer
  • BUG - Fixed issue with ini file creation.
Automise Actions
  • BUG - WMI Process Iteratior Action - matching on variables did not work correctly.
  • BUG - SSH Connect Action - log error when loading private key fails.
  • BUG - SFTP Connect Action - log error when loading private key fails.



- August 27th, 2020 - Download

Automise IDE
  • BUG - Fixed issue with variable CanonicalizePath option not persisting in some instances.



- August 25th, 2020 - Download

Automise Core
  • Enhancement - Filesets - Exposed Fileset.IsEmpty to scripting.
  • Enhancement - Addded Canonicalize Path option to String variable types.
Automise Actions
  • BUG - Path Manipulation action - fixed issue with Canonicalize when path ends with ..\
  • BUG - FTP Upload Action - Improved handling of empty filesets.
  • BUG - FTP Connect action - When set to ascii, the transfermode property was not persisted.
  • BUG - MSSQL Execute SQL Action - Fixed issue with empty variable being added to command line.
  • Enhancement - FTP Upload Action - Added "Fail if no files to upload" option - defaults to true.
  • Enhancement - Export Log Action - improved formatting of flat html style..
Automise IDE
  • BUG - Fixed exception when running Selected Action and Children when a Catch or End action was selected.
  • BUG - Target columns did not show hints when moving the mouse over the icons for script, condition, comment etc.
  • Enhancement - Run Target Action - Added Navigate to target to right menu, Ctrl+Space also works.



- July 21st, 2020 - Download

Automise Core
  • BUG - Fixed serialization issue which caused issue with run selected and children and copy/paste of some actions.
  • Enhancement - Added ATSTARTINGDIR application variable - provides current directory when AT was started.
  • Enhancement - Added ATISELEVATED application variable - True if Automise is running in evelated mode.



- July 14th, 2020 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Azure Actions - Major overhaul of actions - there may be some minor breaking changes.
  • Enhancement - SecureZip actions - Minor tidy up ui.
  • Enhancement - 7zip actions - Minor tidy up ui.
  • Enhancement - Zip/Unzip actions - Minor tidy up ui.
Automise Core
  • BUG - Fixed random access violation.



- May 27th, 2020 - Download

Automise Installer
  • BUG - Fixed issue with duplicate packages after upgrade install.



- April 29th, 2020 - Download

Automise Core
  • BUG - Fixed issue with duplicate property serialization in xml project file format.
  • BUG - Fixed serialization issue with write only properties.
Automise Actions
  • BUG - Send Email Action - Removed insecure SSL versions.
  • BUG - Export Log action - Fixed UI bug when selecting custom xsl stylesheet.
  • BUG - Export Log Action - fixed issue with Flat stylesheet not showing action output when only errors selected.
  • Enhancement - Get DateTime Action - Added ability to use existing datetime variable as source.
  • Enhancement - Path Manipulation action - add Canonicalize Path option.
Automise IDE
  • BUG - Fixed minor memory leak.
  • BUG - Scheduler Wizard truncated task names that has a period in them, resulting in duplicate tasks.



- February 4th, 2020 - Download

Automise Core
  • BUG - Scripting - fixed issue with Powershell based conditions.
  • BUG - Export HTML Log now only shows hidden actions (and children) if in error.
  • BUG - Fixed issue with setting variable using a propertyset property in expressions.
Automise Actions
  • BUG - FTP Connect Action - Only encrypt data channel for ftps.
Automise Installer
  • BUG - fixed urls for Windows Management Framework downloads.



- November 29th, 2019 - Download

Automise Core
  • Enhancment - Log Export - Html export - new option to include search function in html tree format.
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Delete directory/Clean directory Actions - improved retry slightly.
  • Enhancement - FileSet Copy/Move Action - report error when unable to create directory.
  • BUG - Send Email Action - Fixed regression issue with port changing after setting TLS Options.



- November 15th, 2019 - Download

Automise Core
  • Bug - Fixed issue with PROJECTFILE variable getting wrong value. Also added AT prefixed versions of the project variables.
  • Bug - Project files - fixed indentation issue with xml project files.
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Send Email Action - Log the host and port when connecting.
  • Enhancement - Catch Action - Added option to append to errors variable.
  • Enhancement - FTP Connect Action - Added EPSV/EPRT support.
  • Bug - Clean Directory Action - Fixed issue with serialization.
Automise IDE
  • Enhancement - Select the first tab when adding a new action rather than the last used one for that action type.



- October 16th, 2019 - Download

Automise Core
  • Bug - Fixed a regression issue with opening projects with a - in the name.



- October 15th, 2019 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Added Clean Directory Action.
  • Enhancement - Fileset Define action - added ability to stop/terminate action while refreshing.
  • Bug - FTPS Upload Files Action - fixed issue with changing directory failing.


Automise Core
  • Enhancement - Logging - Improved logging peformance.
  • Bug - Logging - Fixed encoding issue.

This build includes a log file schema change, you depending on your log file size, you may notice a slight delay when opening an exisitng project for the first time (while the log file schema migration is performed). Note that log files with this schema change cannot be opened by earlier builds of Automise 5.


- October 1st, 2019 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - If..Then Action - handle direct datetime variable comparison without string conversion.
  • Enhancement - Set Variable Action - DateTime variables - avoid string conversion when new value is a reference to DateTime.
  • Enhancement - SQL Server Restore Action - added Initial Database field to Server page.
  • Enhancement - SQL Server Restore Action - Initial Database defaults to master.
  • Enhancement - Fileset Define Action - allow datetime filters to use datetime variables directly without conversion to string..


Automise Core
  • Enhancment - Log Export - Xml export - xml format now has more information with message groups and child errors.
  • Enhancment - Log Export - Html export - new options to export Flat (original) and Tree (new) format - tree format has Light and Dark themes.


  • Enhancement - new command line options for html export style,theme and custom stylesheet.


Automise IDE
  • Enhancement - Welcome page explore links now open explorer with file selected.



- July 26th, 2019 - Download

Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Fixed regression issue with package loading that caused some package to not load.



- July 22nd, 2019 - link removed as this version has a major issue

Automise Actions
  • Change - Create Text File Action - default to UTF8 encoding.
  • Bug Fix - Send Email action - don't save recipient lists when they are not used.
  • Bug Fix - Advanced Scheduler edit - fixed av when editing task triggers.


Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue with UTF16 encoding atx5 project files (doubled BOM).


Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Fixed styling on Action Inspector.
  • Bug Fix - Fixe access violation error in Welcome page.


- April 29th, 2019 - Download

Automise Core
  • Enhancement - 7Zip Actions - Added AES256 support when using Zip format.
  • Enhancement - 7Zip Actions - Added Encrypt File names support when using 7z format.
  • Bug Fix - Include Project Action - fixed av when running a target with no runnable actions.


Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Update status bar SA info after installing new license key.


- February 28th, 2019 - Download

Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - random av when accessing global scripts.


Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Target Parameter renames were not taking effect until project reload.


- February 5th, 2019 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - 7Zip Create Archive Action - added CompressionMethod option..
  • Enhancement - Email Action - Blank out password in when expression error logged.
  • Bug Fix - Copy Files action - Fixed UI issue with Recurse option.
  • Bug Fix - SSH Actions - Fixed issue with local dns resolution.
Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Scheduler Wizard - fixed exception when scheduling task on last day of month.


- November 23rd, 2018 - Download

Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Scripting - Exposed Action.RetryCount property to scripting (read only).
  • Enhancement - Multi Question Action - added option to use variable values as defaults.
  • Enhancement - EC2 Actions - Added EC2 Tag Resources and EC2 Get Resource Tags actions.
  • Enhancement - SSH Actions - improved detection of dropped connections.
  • Enhancement - SSH Execute Command Action - Added option to try reconnect if needed.
  • Enhancement - SSH Execute Commands Action - Added logging of command output.
  • Bug Fix - SFTP Upload - improved error handling.
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Actions - Fixed issue with restarting projects
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Upload Action - fixed issue with uploading files to IIS.
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Upload Action - Improved performance of remote folder creation.
  • Bug Fix - Delete Scheduled Task Action - Action was failing on Server 2016/Windows 10 even when option to ignore not found was set.



- September 18th, 2018 - Download

Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Fixed Tip of the day next/prev links.


Automise Installer
  • ATCMD Installer - added Add to Path option.


Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Upload Files - Fixed issue with directory creation.
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Create Direcory - Fixed error handling issue after library update.
  • Bug Fix - HTTP Get - added TLS version options.
  • Bug Fix - FTP Connect - fixed persistance of TSL options.
  • Bug Fix - Substring - added logging of resulting substring.



- July 25th, 2018 - Download

Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - F2 Edit Field Dialog - fixed issue where local variables evaluate as empty.
  • Bug Fix - Project Tree - don't allow deleting target from running project.
  • Bug Fix - Added error handling around saving options to avoid UAC errors.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed painting update issue with Variables Watch window.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed painting for Variable Group names in Variables Window.
  • Change - Added informed consent checkbox for trial key requests.


Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Fixed regression with resetting local variables during project load.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed memory leack in .net actions.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed nil pointer exception in scripting.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed race condition in stepping engine.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed random av in stepping engine.
  • Bug Fix - Powershell Scripting - Fixed issue with accesing AT Variables.
  • Change - Log Files - Allow dash and space as valid characters for new log files.


Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - S3 Actions - fixed issue with action type id - reverted to original values.
  • Bug Fix - S3 Actions - variables were not being expanded in AccessKey and SecretKey properties.
  • Bug Fix - Windows Installer Actions - fixed issue with password expansion.
  • Bug Fix - SSH Open Connection - Fixed random client state error when reconnecting.
  • Enhancement - SSH Actions - added more verbose logging.
  • Enhancement - ADO Query Action - added more info when recordset fails to open.
  • Enhancement - SMTP Email Action - Added options to allow reducing logging.
  • Enhancement - SMTP Email Action - Allow the use of logging options when using global smtp settings.
  • Enhancement - Wait for Process Action - Added CaseSensitive option for Process Name.
  • Change - FileList Copy/Move action - Marked as deprecated, there are better options.


Action Studio
  • Bug Fix - default GetEnvironmentBlock script not populated for Python & Powershell.



- May 15th, 2018 - Download

Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Fixed regression with resetting of local variables.



- May 15th, 2018

Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - F2 Edit dialog - fixed issue where local variables evaluate as empty.
  • Bug Fix - Project Tree - disallow deleting actionl list from running project.
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - SSH/SFT/FTPS Actions - updated library, numerous bug fixes.
  • Enhancement - ADO Query Action - Added more info when recordset fails to open.
  • Enhancement - SMTP Email Action - Added logging options to allow reducing logging.
Action Studio
  • Bug Fix - Default action scripts for GetEnvironmentBlock were missing for Python and Powershell.
  • Bug Fix - Python was now showing as the selected language in the script editor.



- May 4th, 2018 - Download

Automise IDE
  • Bug - Bug Fix - License Wizard - fixed issue with downloading licenses and requesting trial keys (caused by server cms upgrade).



- April 18th, 2018 - Download Automise Core
  • Change - Changed default Log History to 25 (was 4).
  • Bug Fix - Fixed regression where empty variable values passed on the command line were ignored.
  • Change - Enabled IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE to allow more that 2G memory usage.
Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - SubString Action - Changed End String Reverse Search default to false.
  • Bug Fix - Amazon EC2/S3 Actions - updated list of available AWS regions.
  • Bug Fix - Prompt for Variable Enh Action - Fixed exception when editing action where a variable was removed since the last edit.
  • Bug Fix - Save XML Document Action - Fixed issue with indenting when using Pretty Print option.
  • Bug Fix - Load Variables from Ini File Action - Changed to use dynamic buffer to deal with larger than 2048 char values.
  • Change - FTPS Remove Directory Action - Renamed to Delete Directory.
  • Enhancement - Save Variables to Ini Action - Added encryption key property.
  • Enhancement - Load Variables from Ini Action - Added encryption key property.
  • Enhancement - MSSQL Execute Action - Added Unicode output file option.
  • Enhancement - FTP Actions - add FTPS Support, as current FTPS action have compatibility issues with some servers.
Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Project Summary Report - fixed issue with Action Enabled property not rendering correct values.
  • Change - Enabled IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE to allow more that 2G memory usage.
  • Enhancement - Task Scheduler - Added option to run as soon as possible after scheduled start missed.
Action Studio
  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue with control events being doubled on save.


- February 15th, 2018 - Download


Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Fixed random av in core.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue with closing other instances when running scheduled tasks.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue with specifiying more than 2 targets on the command line.
Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - Export Log Action - Fixed issue with exporting Target not showing actions.
  • Bug Fix - SFTP Connect Action - Fixed issue with private key auth with some OpenSSH Versions.
  • Bug Fix - SSH Open Action - Fixed issue with private key auth with some OpenSSH Versions.
  • Change - FTPS Remove Directory Action - Renamed to Delete Directory.
  • Enhancement - FTPS Remove Directory Action - Added Recursive option.
  • Enhancement - FTPS Upload Files Action - Added support for changing remote filename (add |newfilename to end of each file).
  • Enhancement - PsTools Actions - added support for 64bit version of PsTools.
Automise IDE
  • Enhancement - Handle variable renames in variable default values.


- December 18th, 2017 - Download


Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Fixed memory leak.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed export html log transform regression..
  • Bug Fix - Fixed Start Target logging color in console.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue where atcmd was not respecting the Log History Count setting.
Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - Include Project Action - fixed issue with random access violation under fbcmd.
  • Bug Fix - Hyper-V Actions - fixed issues with authentication.
  • Bug Fix - Export Log Action - fixed empty log when only errored actions selected.
  • Bug Fix - IIS7+ Actions - Fixed issues with Deleting Virtual Directories
  • Bug Fix - IIS7+ Actions - Fixed regression from bad merge with FB7 code.
  • Enhancement - 7Zip Create Archive Action - added Delete Files after compression option (use with care!).


- November 21st, 2017 - Download


Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Added loading of project info for included projects.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed regression in scripting support code which affected GUI target selection.
  • Enhancement - Major performance improvment when exporting log to xml.
  • Change - Log export to XML and Text no longer go through XSL Transform.
Automise IDE
  • Change - Removed annoying prompt from Edit/Cut when cutting action.
  • Change - Changed Move ActionList Shortcuts to avoid conflict with Script Editor.
  • Bug Fix - Task Scheduler - Fixed Daily Interval option not persisting on new tasks.
Automise Actions
  • Enhancement - Http Get Action - Action now supports SNI when using SSL.
  • Changed - Renamed IIS7 actions to II7+.
  • Bug Fix - Updated checksum action to indicate which tool it uses!
  • Bug Fix - Send Email Action - handle variable renames in address lists.
  • Bug Fix - Load/Save Variables to Ini actions - handle variable renames.
  • Bug Fix - Prompt for Variables Enhanced Action - handle variable renames.
  • Bug Fix - Gui Automation window finder, deal with issues on windows 10.
  • Bug Fix - Set Variable Action - fixed some label font scaling issues.
Action Studio
  • Change - Disallowed spaces in action Serialization ID Field.



- September 5th, 2017 - Download


Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Licensing - Fixed Issue with trial & license key downloads not working.
Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - Http Get Action - Action now supports SNI when using SSL.
  • Change - Get DateTime Action - Disable dateFormat field when using DateTime variables, as the variable's format string is used instead.



- August 23rd, 2017 - Download


Automise Core
  • Logging - Hiding an action from the log now correctly hides the action from the log.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed error in updating escaped characters in variables for fbcmd.
  • Enhancement - Added text for variable logging exclusions on the command line.
Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - Licensing - Fixed software assurance message to display white in all cases of the software assurance being valid.
  • Bug Fix - Schedule Tasks - Fixed username to not add the domain name again to the users name if its already present.
  • Bug Fix - Global Scripts - Global scripts will no longer keep adding a blank line to the end of the script on each save.
  • Bug Fix - Schedule Tasks - Fixed username to not add the domain name again to the users name if its already present.
  • Bug Fix - Global Scripts - Global scripts will no longer keep adding a blank line to the end of the script on each save.
  • Bug Fix - Actions Chooser - Added limitations on redrawing when the action definitions were reloaded.
  • Bug Fix - IDE - Adding a package to Automise will now use the custom actions name as the description by default.
  • Bug Fix - Task Scheduler - Corrected the display and setting of days of the month for windows task scheduler.
  • Bug Fix - Task Scheduler - Corrected an exception that was raised when the Monthly Day of the week trigger.
  • Bug Fix - Action Properties - Fixed issue where categories, alasis, and descriptions were not being loaded for action studio actions.
  • Bug Fix - Task Scheduler - Fixed issue that would blank out status for all scheduled tasks.
  • BugFix - Schedule tasks - Corrected the way in which days of the month are loaded for Monthly scheduled tasks.
  • BugFix - Schedule tasks - Corrected task schedule formatting call for daily tasks.
  • BugFix - Schedule tasks - Corrected presentation of repetition trigger information.
  • BugFix - Schedule tasks - Added warning about administrator permissions being needed for advanced editing.
  • BugFix - Schedule tasks - Added extra compatiblity levels for windows task scheduler.
  • BugFix - Schedule tasks - Added refreshing list when advanced edit is called for scheduled tasks.
  • BugFix - Schedule tasks - Added looking at the first trigger to see if task is disabled.
  • BugFix - Added horizontal scroll bars to all file list controls.
  • BugFix - Corrected IDE to no longer clear action status after run.
  • Enhancement - Task Scheduler - Added begin date fields to all wizard pages for creating a new task.
  • Enhancement - Action Lists Frame - Added a new icon to appear in the action list frame to signal when an action defines variables.
  • Enhancement - Targets - Added short-cuts for moving targets left, and right in the main tab list. Use ctrl + left / right respectively.
  • Enhancement - Targets - Added short-cuts for moving targets up, and down in the project tree view. Use ctrl + up / down respectively.
  • Enhancement - Able to now open multiple projects at the same time.
  • Enhancement - Added images for action status in the action list view.
  • Enhancement - Added notification to change modified status of project when target order changes.
  • Enhancement - Shortened some component and type descriptions as they would not fix in the dialog.
  • Enhancement - Fixed splash screen changing the location of the main windows to always be the main monitor.
  • Enhancement - Added code to protect from the Automise window not being displayed at startup. The window will now present itself on the first monitor if it is not visible.
  • Enhancement - Added scripting functions of GetVariableByIndex and GetCount on ATVariables object.
Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - SFTP Actions - Improved error handling and reporting.
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Download Files - Fixed CreateIfMissing to work as a boolean
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Download Files - get the correct file list.
  • Bug Fix - PropertySet load from INI file - Default values are always loaded now and then overwritten by values from ini file.
  • Bug Fix - Run Target - Parameter value expansion errors will now correctly trigger the catch in try..catch blocks.
  • Bug Fix - File/Folder Exists - Fixed the dection of directories to be Microsoft recommended method.
  • Bug Fix - Delete Folder - Added more protections for folders that might disappear during the delete process.
  • Bug Fix - Include Project - Include project will correctly show an error in fbcmd when a project is unable to be loaded because of missing action packages.
  • Bug Fix - Control Flow - Fixed error where if the last action failed it would override the status of the build.
  • Bug Fix - Watches - Updated new and edited variables to reset to default values.
  • Bug Fix - Include Project - Include project will correctly show an error in fbcmd when a project is unable to be loaded because of missing action packages.
  • Bug Fix - Include Project - The parameter logging now expands variables if they are used.
  • Bug Fix - Read Registry Value - If a variable is used for the registry value to look up, its expanded value is now reported when it can not be found.
  • Bug Fix - Windows Sharing - Fixed logic that was stopping remove windows sharing action from sharing a remote machines folder.
  • Bug Fix - Include Project - Include project will now have the hint of the project loading error label as the error or project that was attempted to be loaded.
  • BugFix - SSH - Corrected an issue where connection open actions would wait infinitely.
  • BugFix - SSH - Added terminal emulation back into SSH client connections. All SSH actions now emulate a terminal so that commands and shells that require this can function as expected.
  • BugFix - ADO Iterator - Corrected regression where the in memory feature was removed in a previous build.
  • Enhancement - Installer - Corrected the Automise installer to link to the powershell 5.0 installer.
  • Enhancement - MSSQL Execute - Added option for disabling variable expansion in SQLCMD calls.
  • Enhancement - List Iterator - Added button to allow creation of variables for the variable drop down list.
  • Enhancement - Include Projects - Added option to log parameters that are set for the included project.
  • Enhancement - Windows Admin - Updated Windows Admin actions using WMI to allow the password to be a variable.
  • Enhancement - Signtool - Added /ac option to sign tool.
  • Enhancement - Export Log - Added export from include target onwards for export log file.
  • Enhancement - Reset Variables - Changed the reset variable action to have a larger area to represent the default value.
  • Feature - Text Get Line - Added new action to retrieve a certain line in a text file, based on supplied separator.
Action Studio
  • Bug Fix - Action studio copy and paste will now properly mark the pages as dirty.
  • BugFix - Fixed script language drop down on main action page.
  • BugFix - Fixed issue with code completion not displaying on action script pages.



- February 14th, 2017 - Download


  • BugFix - Improved loading of project info to avoid conflicts.
  • BugFix - Fixed file sharing issue when loading project files from network shares.
  • BugFix - Fixed log export file name/project name fields when exporting from included projects.
  • BugFix - Added auto completion for variables used in the variable default value field.
  • BugFix - Fixed searching two or more projects that were copies of each other.
  • Improvement - Added indication in main window caption when running with elevated privileges.
  • Improvement - Major update to the task scheduler interface. Now using Windows Vista onwards features.
  • Improvement - Added task scheduler option for tasks to occur every X minutes.
  • Improvement - Reduced CPU load caused by the running frame.
  • Improvement - Added a ATRUNERRORS and ATIGNOREDRUNERRORS protected project variables. These count the run errors in the run, crossing included projects.
  • Improvement - File open dialogue can now see mapped drives.
Automise Actions
  • BugFix - GUI Automation - Fixed null reference issue.
  • BugFix - End - Now correctly clear their exception status when used in a loop.
  • BugFix - HTTP Get - Added directory validation for download files location.
  • BugFix - Text Find/Replace - Improved replace performance when not using file-sets.
  • BugFix - SFTP - Corrected key authentication that occurs after channels drop out.
  • Enhancements - HTTP Get - Added option to use server set file name.


- July 29th, 2016 - Download


Automise IDE
  • Bug Fix - When looking for variables that are not used, the ! symbol is taken into account when counting variables to remove from the list of unused variables.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed AT5 CLR hosting issue when upgrading settings from earlier versions. AT5 now only uses .NET 4.0 for CLR hosting.
  • Bug Fix - Some actions were missing icons.
  • Bug Fix - Exception handling now correctly resets iterators that are run again after an error occurs.
  • Bug Fix - Added protection for the variable resolution on variable resets.
  • Bug Fix - Resolved variable type issue not loading correctly in certain circumstances. No information loss occurs in previous versions.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed conversion issue from Automise 4. The variable namespace for a generated main actionlist was not being set correctly.
  • Change - When a password is set the user is now no longer able to edit the action through actionlist editor. This includes changing the description, settings breakpoints and disabling actions.
  • Enhancement - Improved error reporting for resetting variables that are undefined.
  • Enhancement - Cached the loading of Automise configuration files.
  • Enhancement - Improved startup time.
  • Enhancement - Action group variable renames will now propagate to child actions.
  • Enhancement - Project variable renames will now no longer propagate to action groups and their children that define an override variable of the same name.
  • Enhancement - actionlist variable renames will now propagate to child actions, dependants, and any referencing run actionlist actions.
  • Enhancement - Code completion for action scripting improved for action configuration options.
  • Enhancement - Added the ability to remove recently open projects, from the list of recently opened projects, on the welcome page.
  • Enhancement - Reduced CPU load by improving loading of core internals.
  • Enhancement - Fixed up the action editor dialog buttons so that they were all aligned and spaced the same distance from each other.
Automise Actions
  • Bug Fix - File/Fileset Iterator Action - Improved Extension Strict Match behaviour.
  • Bug Fix - Include Project Action - fixed issue with error handling when expanding expressions in parameters.
  • Bug Fix - Include Project Action - Corrected loading of include project form so that expression editor loads all vars, project vars and property sets.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed handling of Export Log I/O exceptions in export log action.
  • Bug Fix - Corrected the behaviour of the sub string action when searching for the end value.
  • Bug Fix - FileSets - Fixed encoding issue with filesets, also don't rewrite file if we didn't replace anything.
  • Bug Fix - FTP Mirror - Corrected label on action dialog that was not fully visible.
  • Bug Fix - FTP Mirror - Improved handling of servers reporting an error when creating a directory that already exists.
  • Bug Fix - FTPS - Removed validation of proxy username and passwords. Some proxies do not require a username and password.
  • Bug Fix - Get Date Time - Corrected setting date time to a date time variable. Previously the format strings in both the action and variable had to match.
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Actions - Corrected divide by zero error for upload progress.
  • Bug Fix - FTPS Actions - Corrected potential duplication of folder delimiters depending on server type.
  • Bug Fix - Export Log Action - Corrected issue where exporting a log in an included project export everything currently in the log, including the parent project.
  • Bug Fix - CSV Iterator Action - Corrected csv iterator to correctly determine if the last field was quoted or not.
  • Bug Fix - COM+ Action - Corrected issue where COM+ errors would not be reported correctly.
  • Enhancement - Added OriginalActionId field to exported log xml and stylesheets.
  • Enhancement - ADO Execute Stored Procedure Action - Include Schema prefix when loading procedure list.
  • Enhancement - Text Find/Replace - Added the ability to set the Byte Order Mark (BOM) on output files.
  • Enhancement - Include Project - UI gives suggestions for included project variables, and output variables.
  • Enhancement - Include Project - Allows selection of actionlist to run.
  • Enhancement - Include Project - Will update output variables from included project if variable scope is not shared.
  • Feature - FileSets - Adding files & directories option to the file set and file iterator.
  • Feature - FileSet Delete - Added option to purge folders when performing a fileset delete.
  • Feature - FTPS Mirror - Added new upload retry options for mirroring.
  • Feature - FTPS Mirror - Added logging tab to list all logging options on the action.
  • Feature - Amazon S3 - Added bucket delete object, bucket list objects, bucket list, upload directory, and download folder actions.
  • Feature - Azure Actions - Added Login, Logout, Config Mode actions.
  • Feature - Azure Group Actions - Added Group Create, Group Delete, Group List, Group Log Show, Group Set, Group Show actions.
  • Feature - Azure VM - Added VM Capture, VM Create, VM Deallocate, VM Delete, VM List, VM List, VM Quick Create, VM Restart, VM Start, VM Stop actions.
  • Feature - Azure Storage - Added Storage File Copy Show, Storage File Copy Start, Storage File Copy Stop, Storage File Delete, Storage File Download, Storage File List, Storage File Upload actions.
Automise Core
  • Bug Fix - Issue with local variables and actionlist parameters not always working under async groups.
  • Bug Fix - Added better encoding detection for text files that do not have a byte order mark.
  • Bug Fix - Corrected an error in loading Automise 4 projects into Automise 5.
  • Bug Fix - Corrected an error in loading Automise 4 projects into Automise 5 that caused variables to be reported as no longer defined.
Automise Action Studio
  • Enhancement - Added support for png images with full transparency for action icons.
Automise Command Line
  • Bug Fix - Corrected issue where builds would potentially not write to the console everything that occurred in the run.


- March 3rd, 2016 - Download
Initial Release.