Variables II

Three more for the list:

1- In the variables edit screen we could have a variable usage verification, witch can tell witch variables aren't in use in the project and/or list's every place a variable is used (I know that in scripts is more dificult to catch, but in the other actions it should be easy ). Actually I use the search in the project, but it also find's some texts that aren't variables use (for example a script in an ado dataset iterator action).

2- Couldn't we pass a property set to an action list? Or having a new action "Variable to PropertySet" to workaround it, so we can "pack" the property set in a variable (using the PropertySet to Variable Action) and "unpack" it in the action list.

3- This is dummy: There are some actions witch doesn't allow to set values directly from variables, I'm trying to reduce the most the script's usage in my projects and they doesn't allow me. Actually I'm stucked with it in two actions:

a) Compile Delphi Win32 Project: Setting the mapfile type and the compiler version:

if MapFile = "" then
Action.Mapfile = 0
Action.MapFile = 3
end if

if CompilerVer < 8 then
Action.CompilerVersion = (CompilerVer - 3)
Action.CompilerVersion = (CompilerVer + 1)
end if

b) Touch File(s): Setting the date:

Action.DateTime = CDate(Data)

Ps- Before anyone asks why CDate this value came from and ADO DataSet Iterator and comes as string.

Best regards,