Suggested improvements to Queue Options UI


I have a couple of suggestions for improving the UI of the Queue Options window in Continua.

1. Show the project name and build configuration in the window.

This information could be in the title bar or at the top above the first input field. If the user opens the Queue Options window and then gets distracted, when they come back it’s sometimes difficult to remember what they were doing because the window gives no indication which project or build configuration it’s for. Showing this information would make it immediately obvious what was happening.

2. Validate or sanitise the Comment field text.

We take the value from the Comment field and pass it to a FinalBuilder stage via a variable so the build script can use this information in notification emails. The value is passed to FinalBuilder via a command line parameter. However, it’s possible to enter characters into the Comment field (e.g. a double quote or a new line) that doesn’t translate correctly to a command line parameter. This causes FinalBuilder to fail. When this happens it’s not obvious why the failure occurred, and this causes confusion and frustration for the user. A solution would be to validate the field by preventing progress if an invalid character has been entered. Alternatively the input text could be sanitised of invalid characters when converted to a command line parameter.

Looking forward to your thoughts on these suggestions.

Bruce Palmer

Hi Bruce,

Thank you for these suggestions. We’ re looking into escaping the variables passed into FinalBuilder right now and this will be in the next version. Double quote escaping will also require an update to FB. We will also look into putting further details on the Queue Options dialog soon.

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your response. I’m looking forward to seeing the changes in the next release.

Bruce Palmer.