S3 Bucket Upload Directory action being stripped from project after updating FinalBuilder


Yesterday I upgraded FinalBuilder from to

Today a build script is failing with the following log entries:

9:14:53 AMERROR! Required custom action package for this project not loaded
9:14:53 AMAction definition for S3 Bucket Upload Directory not found

To investigate this, I opened the project that uses the S3 Bucket Upload Directory action.

The action has been stripped from the project.

Viewing messages in FinalBuilder showed the following:

WARNING Action definition for “S3 Bucket Upload Directory” is not loaded and is referenced by this project, if you save this project the missing actions will be deleted from the project
(To correct the issue, go to Tools -> Package Manager and ensure the relevant action package (.fbap) file is loaded and enabled.)

This is odd, because the S3 actions are available in the Actions window, including S3 Bucket Upload Directory.

I created a new S3 Bucket Upload Directory action, saved the project, and then compared the old and new project files. The actiontypeid has changed.

The old project file has an actiontypeid of {1DE47065-1999-47E3-A1D3-B0F5BA06E96E}.

The new project file has an actiontypeid of {9DB477D7-D80F-4799-80B5-724AF24A016B}.

If I edit the old project file and change the actiontypeid to the new one, the old project file then opens with no problems.

I don’t want to manually examine all my FinalBuilder project files in a text editor, searching for S3 actions and edit the actiontypeid.

Is there a fix for this?


I can confirm that the following actions are also affected:

S3 Bucket Download Folder
S3 Bucket Upload File
S3 Bucket Download File

Hi Bruce, not sure what caused the id’s to change, I have reverted them to their original values :


Hi Vincent,

Thanks for the fix.

I found six of our scripts affected by this. Because I was going to be away Friday, and all six scripts were critical to other departments and affected customer facing services, I editing all six scripts manually after determining the new id values.

I should be able to roll back those script changes when I deploy your update.

This error proved quite insidious because although the problem was recorded in the FinalBuilder log, FinalBuilder ran the scripts minus the affected actions with no reported errors. As a result Continua believed that no error had occurred. The first sign of a problem was when someone noticed files on S3 hadn’t updated despite the build script having been run successfully.

I would suggest that perhaps this kind of error should cause FinalBuilder to fail loud and fast. Then we would have picked up the issue immediately instead of several hours later.

Whoops. Please ignore the last part of my last post. Contina did, of course, detect and report an error from FinalBuilder.

Hi Bruce

I’m going to look at making FBCMD fail if there are missing actions, as it makes no sense to continue and then fail later. I also fixed the bug that causes the id’s to change in Action Studio.

Hi Vincent,

That sounds good.

One of the problems I had when diagnosing the issue was when I opened the script in FinalBuilder there was no apparent error shown and the offending actions were effectively silently removed.

In fact there was some messages generated, but as quick as they were shown when loading the script, they disappeared behind some other part of the UI. If I didn’t pay close attention I didn’t see them flash past. I finally found them by manually showing the messages window. After that all the details fell into place.

The fix you posted (2414) corrected the problem and all our scripts are running okay with the original actiontypeid values.

Thanks again for your assistance.