Running Unit Tests with Visual Studio 2017


running on CI we encounter an issue after upgrading from VS 2015 to VS 2017.

Our build does include unit tests which fail with  this error:
[Error] An error occurred while parsing unit test output. VSTest.Console did not produce a trx report file.

Running on VS 2015

Microsoft ®-Testausfhrungs-Befehlszeilentool Version 14.0.25420.1

16:41:08                              Erfolgreich   TestNullIf
16:41:08                              Ergebnisdatei: D:\ContinuaCI\CI_WS\Ws\12206\TestResults\finalbuilder_XXXX 2018-02-20 16_41_07.trx
16:41:08                              Gesamtanzahl von Tests: 14. Erfolgreich: 14. Fehlgeschlagen: 0. šbersprungen: 0.
16:41:08                              Testlauf erfolgreich.
16:41:08                              Testausfhrungszeit: 1,3215 Sekunden
16:41:08                              VSTest results: Fixtures: 2, Tests: 14, Passes: 14, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Ignored: 0, Skipped: 0, Invalid: 0, Not Run: 0

This run’s fine.

Running on VS 2017

Microsoft ® Testausfhrungs-Befehlszeilentool Version 15.5.0

16:30:27                                              Bestanden TestNullIf
16:30:27                                              Tests gesamt: 14. Bestanden: 14. Fehler: 0. šbersprungen: 0.
16:30:27                                              Der Testlauf war erfolgreich.
16:30:27                                              Testausfhrungszeit: 2,1118 Sekunden
16:30:27                                              Ergebnisdatei: D:\ContinuaCI\CI_WS\Ws\12205\TestResults\finalbuilder_XXXX_2018-02-20_16_30_26.trx
16:30:27                                              [Error] An error occurred while parsing unit test output. VSTest.Console did not produce a trx report file.

This fails obviously. However, the file does exist!

Your help is appreciated.



It looks like an issue with the regex used to determine the trx path, can you send the unobfuscated log text to support @ so we can test with it here.


i’ve just sent the log to you.


I confirm the issue is fixed with

Thanks a lot for providing a fix so quick!
