Queue options window title (upper right corner): Configuration name became undefined

Hi Guys,

We’ve upgraded our CCI Server and agents from to
I Noticed that the in the queue options window title (upper right corner):
The configuration name that’s joined to the project name became undefined in all our configurations.
Is this a known issue?
Could you kindly check if this affects anything else that utilizes the configuration name?


Also: a small feature request:
Please allow each section of Queue Options (Above Variable section) window to be collapsible
1 click to collapse the section and 1 click to expand + save the collapse state as default for next times (per user).
We don’t use the upper part of this window it almost at all and it takes up a huge part of the screen real-estate when queuing : we mostly use the Variables section so that we could determine the build specifications, so we would like this section to be the one taking up most screen real-estate.
and from time to time we use the repository/branch section to switch the build to a different branch.

Hi @ktopaz,

Thanks for reporting this. We missed this field when improving the queue dialog opening performance. This will be fixed for the next version.

We already have a task to add tabs to this dialog to reduce the busyness. I’ll see if I can prioritise this or a similar design, and also provide a way to choose which section appears first.

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