PropertyCollector "Path Access Plugin" with system-environment-variable broken

from the last update to version the property-collector “Path Access Plugin” returns FALSE when he has as value a system-environment-variable.

Tested with a existing directory on c:\ and a variable which points to this directory. Direct check for this path works but over the variable it returns FALSE.

Hi Albrecht,

This is working for us and the code has not changed for a couple of years.

Can you check if there is a warning on the Event Log page about an invalid path? Is your property collector set up as a server or agent property collector? Have you defined the environment variable on the correct server/agent? Can you check that the environment variable has been picked up and is listed as a property, e.g. Env.VariableName, for the relevant agent or server?

Hi Dave,
sorry for the posting. After some deeper investigation I found that it was caused by some missing user-credentials. Continua is working well…

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