MSBuild /t: command line parameter

I want to execute this build action:

msbuild LynxOnline_XE101.dproj /t:build /p:config=Release /p:platform="Win32"

How do I add '/t:build' to the MSBuild action in FinaBuilder?

/t is the Target field (/t is the short form of /target
/p are properties that can be added on the project properties tab.


The problem I ran into was with compiling a Delphi project using the MSBuild action. If the environment variables are not setup properly, the action returns an error saying the target ‘build’ does not exist in the project file. After adding these variables as environment variables, it works:

BDS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0

Yes, you will need the env vars for delphi, as it’s msbuild targets use them. My question would be why are you not using the delphi action since you are targetting Win32?