High-level info on dashboard / title

I am the maintainer / admin of our build server. We have over 60 configurations so I need to plan carefully when to update.

It would be very nice if there was a high-level management “dashboard” inside the title bar (the blue one, enough space there). I would like to see the following information:

Running builds: # | Queued builds: #

It could even contain more info like:

Last succeeded build: [config] at [time] | Last failed build: [config] at [time]

Or maybe overall success ratio (to keep developers motivated to bring this down). 

Hi Geert,

Thanks for your request. We have a similar item in our feature to show a counters for running builds, online agents and whether a build is waiting due to max number of concurrent builds. I will add your requests to this.  I’ll also increase the priority and I think this is a great feature.

We will have to limit the last succeeded/fail build details to configurations which the user has view permissions.  We’re undecided at the moment on whether we need to limit the running/queuing builds count is the same way (to builds the user has view access to rather than all builds on the system). Any thoughts of this?

I prefer everyone to have their own view (based on their access to the system). The only thing that might be interesting for all users to see is the Available free builds (licenses). This way a user knows that the builds are fully occupied, even when they are being used for projects not accessible for the current user.