FTP Actions Suggestions

Can you add more options for retries in the FTP Upload (and perhaps add some in the download) action?

Right now you check a box and you have no idea how many retries or how long it waits between retries - adding those options would make life easier as it currently seems to fail after it retries once after 2 minutes...

Do you also think you could build in an auto re-connect attempt in all the FTP actions when the FTP connection is broken/times out? Right now when there is a lengthy delay (say in a processing loop or yoru debugging, hit a breakpoint and walk away from your machine) between the connect and say an FTP upload, the server may timeout or disconnect the session. It would be nice to think the FTP actions were intelligent enough to notice when the session is lost and attempt to reconnect before retrying the action - perhaps roll this into the FTP retry enhancements mentioned above, i.e. a session connection check/auto reconnect as part of any FTP related retry...

Thanks, TJ

I have added the auto reconnect option. The retry option is probably a left over from before we added the generic retry option for all actions on the RunTime property page, where you can set the retry count and how long to pause between retries.

I’ll post here when a test build is available.

Here’s the build with the AutoReconnect option added : http://www.automise.com/downloads/automise/400/AT400_98.exe

Thank you!