FR: Configuration DropDown

I can switch the projects using the dropdown on the upper left.
Would be nice to switch the configurations (at least of the same project) the same way (e.g. by moving over the current configuration).

Hi Christian,

Yes - we like this idea. We currently have a similar features to-do list. I’ll add your request and bump up the priority.

I would like to add an extra idea to this request. In the drop down menu, It would be nice to be able to select multiple projects to display by selecting a partial name. You already somewhat do this for narrowing the selection down as you type but you only allow for one selection to display. For instance, If I have Project names set up like -, As a admin I want to see everything in Continua but I would also like the ability to limit what I see by all environments for that one Dept at once without loging out and back in using a special login that uses hiding project/configurations. I would like to type the name and hit enter and all - projects show for that dept. Hope that makes sense.

Well your editor removed part of the description above. So I will try another way to show it. Insert above as “If I have Project names set up like Dept - Environment”

“I would like to type the name and hit enter and all Dept - Environment projects show for that dept. Hope that makes sense.”

Bah still didnt get it right.

“I would like to type the Dept name and hit enter and all Dept - Environment projects show for that dept. Hope that makes sense.”

Hi HumanaEMT,

Thanks for you request. We’ll add an item to our to-do list to allow the project filter to show configuratons from mutliple projects at once.