FinalBuilder Released

FinalBuilder official update is available from the downloads page

FinalBuilder Core

  • Enhancement - Filesets - Exposed Fileset.IsEmpty to scripting.
  • Enhancement - Addded Canonicalize Path option to String variable types.

FinalBuilder Actions

  • BUG - Path Manipulation action - fixed issue with Canonicalize when path ends with …\
  • BUG - FTP Upload Action - Improved handling of empty filesets.
  • BUG - FTP Connect action - When set to ascii, the transfermode property was not persisted.
  • BUG - Nuget Restore action - logic error resulted in InstallPackageToOutputPath being added when not set.
  • BUG - MSSQL Execute SQL Action - Fixed issue with empty variable being added to command line.
  • BUG - Git Actions - Fixed validation issues and improved backwards compatibility.
  • Enhancement - FTP Upload Action - Added “Fail if no files to upload” option - defaults to true.
  • Enhancement - Export Log Action - improved formatting of flat html style.
  • Enhancement - MSBuild Action - trim project file value after expanding variables.

FinalBuilder IDE

  • BUG - Fixed exception when running Selected Action and Children when a Catch or End action was selected.
  • BUG - Target columns did not show hints when moving the mouse over the icons for script, condition, comment etc.
  • Enhancement - Run Target Action - Added Navigate to target to right menu, Ctrl+Space also works.