FeatureRequest: Listvariables

I have a feature-request for a variable-type which can handle a list of strings and a action which can iterate through this list (like a for-each-loop). It would save many duplicate actions for me if I can say ‘Do this action for all items of this list’.
Is this already implemented and I didnt saw it? If not implemented is it a easy feature which can be implemented in one of the next version or is it more for far the future?


The feature is already there : http://wiki.finalbuilder.com/display/FB8/List+Iterator+Action

My bad, I though this was a FinalBuilder feature request. It’s not available in Continua CI right now, however it doesn’t look too difficult to do, we’ll add it to the feature list.

Hi Albrecht,

We’ve just uploaded a new version which includes a For Each action which you can use to iterate variables containing lists of items separated by a comma, newline, or other character.

Hi Dave,
thanks for the update. It works very well.


Hi Dave,
is it possible to implement also actions for controlling the for-each-loop (Break and Continue)?

Hi Albrecht,

We’ll add this to our to-do list.