Feature request: Collapsible projects in list view

I have a small number of projects each with a large number of configurations, it would be nice to be able to collapse / expand the projects to show / hide configurations easily.
I remember this was possible in FB Server with project groups.

The project drop-down menu is nice, but we don’t really use it as we only have a few different projects, so prefer the ‘All Projects’ view. But to collapse/expand them would be a nice feature.


Hi Luke, thank you for posting. We have discussed several similar ideas internally, I will put the use-case forward for further consideration.

At the moment hiding configurations can be achieved via the show / hide configuration button (this dialog allows control + click, or shift + click to select multiple configurations at once). We are currently working on a number of high priority items, whilst we may not work on this one immediately we will take it into consideration going forward.

Thanks again.