Feature request: allow variables in repository fields

I am using bitbucket for some private projects for a client. Since I group by project, I have BitBucketUsername and BitBucketPassword variables on the project level so I can use them in all the configurations.

However, when I use %BitBucketUsername% in the repository setup, they aren’t being replaced:

An error occurred while contacting the Git repository: 'fatal: Authentication failed for ‘https://%BitBucketUsername%:%BitBucketPassword%@bitbucket.org/company/repository.git’ ’

Hi Geert

We have looked at this before, but it brings up some security issues that we need to find a way to handle. Storing passwords in variables is somewhat insecure, in that there are a number of ways that those passwords could potentially ‘leak’. So we decided to no allow them for the time being and will try to come up with a way of sharing credentials between configs, repos etc.

I thought that the password type was meant for this, but I can imagine other sources of leaks. Thanks for the reply, will await your solution in the future.