Export not functional after deleting a project


after i exported an old project, i deleted the project and went back to run more exports. However the UI stopped working:

A refresh does not get the UI back. I guess i have to restart Continua.

After switching dialogs i get the following error:

Hi Thomas,

We’re unable to reproduce this. Are there any related errors on the Event log page, or in the Windows event log?

Hi Dave,

not sure what exactly i did yesterday. I think after exporting i clicked [Manage Configurations]. From there i opened Administratons/Projects and deleted a project from there. Then i used the browser back button (Alt+Left) to get back to the Export page.

This might be something not used in this way very often. However the effect is tremendous as it requires a restart of the Continua Service.

Related to the issue here: “Wrong TAB after managing configurations”

It might be a solution to open a new browser page to display the “Manage” page for configurations. This might get rid off the problems mentioned here.

Hi Thomas,

I followed your steps without any issues. An error which causes the Continua CI to hang and requires a restart of the server is something that we would like to get to the bottom of. I wouldn’t expect it to be caused by the navigation order. Did you check if there are any errors on the Event log page, or in the Windows event log?

No related entries to this topic. Neither in the Windows Event Log nor in Continua’s log.
The steps are from my memory. I did not try to reproduce as it would require a restart of CI.