Error when attempting XUnit command

I’m getting this error when I attempt to run the XUnit command.

Stage Controller

There was an error with stage: Unit Tests. Message: Exception: ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Message: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.

Stack Trace: at Continua.Modules.Builds.Actions.XUnitAction.GetNuGetXUnitVersionString()
at Continua.Modules.Builds.Actions.XUnitAction.GetFirstAdditionalAction(IBuildSteppingContext context, ActionExecutionTiming executionTiming)
at Continua.Stepping.SteppingEngine1.RunFrom(Action startAction) at Continua.Modules.Builds.Agent.AgentBuildRunner.OnExecuting(Transition1 inState)

(on Agent: phus-tfsagt01)

The image below is the current setup I have in the XUnit action. The only change I’ve made from the default is the path to the Tests.dll. Any idea what I may be doing wrong, or what might be missing in our setup? I have triple checked the path with the variables, though I haven’t tried it without the variables yet.


Hi aszuul,

Thank you for reporting this. We have confirmed that this is a bug. When version 2.4.1 was added to the XUnit Version list, we omitted to add some related code. We’ve now implemented a fix and should have a new version out in the next day or two.

Meanwhile you should be able to work around this either by selecting 2.4 or Custom for the XUnit Version. If you choose Custom, enter the XUnit Runner Version as 2.4.1

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A fix for this bug has been included in version

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