Dotnet Build and dotnet Publish: error MSB4803

I have a .NET solution that targets .NET 7 and I can compile the solution without any errors, but when I use the dotnet Build action, I get the following error:

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\7.0.403\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3441,5):
error MSB4803: No se admite la tarea “LC” en la versi├│n de MSBuild de .NET Core. Use la versi├│n de MSBuild de .NET Framework.
Vea ResolveComReference Task - MSBuild | Microsoft Learn para obtener más información.

Apart from problems FB has with accented letters, I get a MSB4803 error. I can’t see what is causing the trouble and hoped you might be able to throw some light on the problem.

I have the following properties defined in the action:
Project = Qualified path to my solution file
Working directory = Qualified path the output folder
Configuration = Release

Hi Martin

If you run the dotnet publish from the command line do you see the same error?

Hello Vincent:
No, the command run from the command line (Developer prompt) work fine:

  • dotnet build --configuration Release --framework net7.0-windows
  • dotnet publish --configuration Release --framework net7.0-windows --runtime win-x64 --no-self-contained


C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder>dotnet build --configuration Release --framework net7.0-windows
Versión de MSBuild 17.7.3+4fca21998 para .NET
  Determinando los proyectos que se van a restaurar...
  Todos los proyectos están actualizados para la restauración.
  EdiClassLibrary -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\EdiClassLibrary\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\EdiClassLibrary
  EdiClassLibrary -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\EdiClassLibrary\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\EdiClassLibrary
  DanoneEdiOrder -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\DanoneEdiOrder\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\DanoneEdiOrder.dl
Compilación correcta.
    0 Advertencia(s)
    0 Errores
Tiempo transcurrido 00:00:00.77
C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder>dotnet publish --configuration Release --framework net7.0-windows --runtime win-x64 --no-self-contained
Versión de MSBuild 17.7.3+4fca21998 para .NET
  Determinando los proyectos que se van a restaurar...
  Se ha restaurado C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\EdiClassLibrary\EdiClassLibrary.csproj (en 221 ms).
  Se ha restaurado C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\DanoneEdiOrder\DanoneEdiOrder.csproj (en 348 ms).
  EdiClassLibrary -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\EdiClassLibrary\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\win-x64\EdiClas
  EdiClassLibrary -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\EdiClassLibrary\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\win-x64\publish
  EdiClassLibrary -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\EdiClassLibrary\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\EdiClassLibrary
  DanoneEdiOrder -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\DanoneEdiOrder\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\win-x64\DanoneEdi
  DanoneEdiOrder -> C:\.NET\Clientes\Dispreu\DanoneEdiOrder\DanoneEdiOrder\bin\Release\net7.0-windows\win-x64\publish\

Here is the Final Builder Log: (3.0 KB)

1 Like

Please also note that the accented words in the Log are not treated correctly by FB.
I’m using FB version

The log is working as expected, what is not working is the stdout encoding when capturing the process output. I am able to reproduce this here. I’m using windows 11, I know this worked perfectly before so not sure if it’s windows 11 that broke it or not (will need to test on earlier OS versions).

As for the dotnet build/publish error, I really have no idea. The error makes no sense and I have not been able to reproduce it here.

Hi Martin

After further research, it has nothing to do with the windows version. The issue is that the dotnet tool outputs utf-8 to the console. In windows, when capturing stdout/stderr, there is really no way to determine which encoding was used - you just get a byte stream. The byte stream does not contain a preamble (it’s not a file) - so inspecting the bytes doesn’t really help either.

In FinalBuilder, we default to using the OEM codepage - as a best guess - and this has worked well for many years.

I have changed the encoding used for the dotnet actions to UTF-8, however I am unable to test it as I haven’t figured out how to get dotnet to output anything that is not also ansi. I have however tested with other processes that output utf-8 and this change worked for them.

I have stopped short of making the default encoding for all actions UTF-8 - that is something that we’ll need to investigate further.

This build includes the changes to the dotnet actions.

Thanks Vincent.
Good news, the log encoding works perfectly.
I also upgraded my Visual Studio 2022 to version 17.8 (with .NET 8) and the problem with the compilation under dotnet actions works just fine! I have no idea why, but it just works!
Thanks for your help.