Copy and paste actions between projects or creation of custom actions derived from existing ones

Hi there,

we came across the use case that we need to create more build projects and because it was another but similar project, we had to add and configure many actions again and again.

So we suggest the following feature:

1. The ability to copy and paste actions or action-groups between projects. (At the moment its only possible between stages)

or even better:

2. The ability to save a configured action under ‘Custom Actions’ with the possibility of using such predefined actions in other projects easily.

This use case certainly applies mostly to actions which are mostly the same between projects, like copy files to file-server or for actions which configuration is complex and where one only needs to tweak 1-2 spots to adjust the action for the other project)

Thanks a lot for considering our suggestions,

with regards,

  1. Is possible now, I just tried it and it worked first time

    2) Is under consideration for a future version. It sounds simple, but it isn’t.