Continua Folders


while doing cleanup of our build-server i came up with a list of CI folders:

build artifacts: ci_ws\ws
Server Repo Cache: ci_ws\repos 
Agent repository cache: rc 

Is this correct?

What is folder:


Is it safe to delete?


Hi Thomas,

Please see the following descriptions for each of the Continua CI working folders.

Server build workspace: <ServerDataSharePath>\Ws\<project_slug>\<build_id>. This contains artefacts, build log and any other files copied back to the server from the agent according to the workspace rules. This folder is cleaned up at the end of the build according to the Server Cleanup Policy.

Server repository cache: <ServerDataSharePath>\Rc\<repo_id>. Repository files are checked out to this folder and versioned, ready for transporting to the agent. This folder is removed when a repository is deleted. If you manually delete this folder for an active repository, it will be automatically recreated when the repository is polled.

Agent build workspace: <AgentWorkspacePath>\Ws\<build_id>. This contains all the files that your build actions work with. This folder is cleaned up at the end of the build according to the Agent Workspace Cleanup Policy, and is also cleaned up every time the Server Cleanup Policy runs on the relevant build. It is safe to delete this folder - generally the only reason to keep this folder is to work out the reason why build has failed.

Agent repository cache: <AgentWorkspacePath>\Repos\<repo_id>. At the start of the build, the server repository cache is synched to this folder, before the required files are exported to the agent build workspace folder according to the repository rules. This folder is removed when a repository is deleted. If you manually delete this folder for an active repository, it will be automatically recreated when a build runs on the agent and requires the associated repository.

Hi Dave,

thanks for the docs. That helps a lot. However, i think the path specification is wrong.

According to my research it should be:
Server build workspace: <ServerDataSharePath>\Ws\<project_slug>\<build_id>
Server repository cache: <ServerDataSharePath>\Rc\<repo_id>
Agent build workspace: <AgentWorkspacePath>\Ws\<build_id>

[EDIT:] Note: Server and agent are installed on the same machine.

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That’s correct the <project_slug> is only on the server build workspace. I’ll correct my mistake in the answer above - in case anyone doesn’t read any further.

The server repository cache subfolder is “Rc” (not “Repos”)

Yes, that’s also corrected now. Thanks