Continua CI - v1.9.0.244 Released

Hi All,

A new version of Continua CI has been uploaded and is available from Continua CI Downloads. The latest stable version of Continua is

Changes in

  • Regression fix to v1.9.0.243: Builds were not being triggered for changesets containing no file commits when “Only trigger when files or folders are changed” was not ticked on a repository trigger.
  • Fix: $Build.Branches$ expression has been corrected to output a comma-delimited list of branches rather than some JSON.
  • Fix: Some keyboard shortcuts were no longer working on the home page.
  • Update: “Associate changesets since latest successful build” now takes branches into account correctly. The list of changesets shown in the build Changes tab is now since the last successful build for the configuration with the same repository branches rather than just the last successful build for the configuration.
  • Update: Unit tests results now take branches into account when comparing tests with previous builds for New Failures and Fixed counts.
  • Update: Some third party packages have been updated to latest version.

New Version 1.9 Features


The notifications architecture has been redesigned to allow new publisher types and multiple publishers of each type. You can, for example, now have more than one Email publisher configured - each for a different email service or sender address.

A renewed plug-in framework has allowed us to add new publisher types for HipChat, Stash and Stride. The XMPP publisher type has also been updated to support rooms.

The notification queue has also been revamped to let each publisher send messages, with limited concurrency, without block other publishers. Notification queue statistics are presented on the Publishers page in the Administration area.

See the Notifications documentation for further details on this feature.

Core Updates

We’re now targeting .Net Framework 4.7.2. As well as providing us with a better foundation on which to base new features, this has allowed us to update many of our third party components. This includes updates to NHibernate (ORM) and Npgsql (postgresql database driver) which provides significant performance gains.

The web tier has now been upgraded from MVC4 to MVC5.

This version removes support for Windows Server 2003R2, changing our minimum supported OS to Windows Server 2008R2.

Note that we have also dropped support for 32-bit Windows in this version. This is to simplify our build and installation process.

This version also builds upon all the fixes and improvements in version 1.8.1. Any further bug fixes and improvements on version 1.8.1 will be merged into version 1.9

Full version 1.9 change history