Configuration View Changes - support filters


with adding the "Successfull Builds" column the view has significantly gained importance. To further improve usability i suggest to add filters for the changesets.

  • [ ] first-parent only (Git)
  • [ ] only Successful Builds
  • Branch [&ltbranch&gt]

Right now the view contains much information, that will distract attention from what is relevant.


Hi Thomas,

Thank you for the suggestions. We already have an item on our to-do list to add repository and branch filtering dropdown lists to this page. I'll update this with both the other proposed options. Only Successful Builds option will be no problem. The first parent only option may be a little more problematic as the view can include changesets from multiple repositories and we would be to update our database to store additonal information from git.

Note that the Changes view currently has various filter options. You has see details in the tooltip shown when you mouse over the Search box:

This will search the changeset id, commit message and user columns by default.
Prefix with 'id:' to filter only by changeset id;
Prefix with 'branch:' to filter by branch;
Prefix with 'comment:' or 'message:' to filter by commit message;
Prefix with 'user:' to filter only by user;
Prefix with 'repository:' or 'repo:' to filter by repository name (only useful if you have more than one repository)

Hi Dave,

thank you. I've used the search box before, but wasn't aware of its capabilities. It supports what i am asking for in some aspects. The usability of a dropdown box to filter branches is much better though. I like it's on your list already.

As for the first parent view, it's about filtering duplicates after all. That is ignoring changesets of a feature branch, that are contained in a merge-commit anyway. From what i have read, this is something the build process takes care already. Maybe the same algorithms can help here too?
