Cannot create Property Collectors


I just installed Continua CI on a Windows Server 2016 Standard and cannot create any property collectors since Continua CI always reports the following error:

One field failed validation. DefaultPlugIn: The DefaultPlugIn field is required.

I have tried several different values for the namespace, run on and type proerties of the Property Collector, but to no avail.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Kind regards,

Gerrit Jan

Hi Gerrit

This sound very similar to an issue we had a few days ago

Edit. Scratch that reply, this looks different.

Hi Gerrit,

Thank you for reporting this. We are able to reproduce this here and are working on a fix.

Hello Vincent and Dave,

Thanks for the (very) quick reply :slight_smile:
If you need anything from me, please let me know.

Kind regards,

Gerrit Jan

Hi Gerrit,

We’ve now fixed this bug. You can download a hotfix using the following links:

Hello Dave,

It works (:applause:) :slight_smile:
Thank for the extremely quick fix.

Kind regards,

Gerrit Jan

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