Best data type for "Calculate File MD5" action

The docs state that this action generates a 128 bit integer, however I can’t find anything that says which data type to use - presumably the “integer” type is 32 or 64 bit.  At the moment I’m using a string and converting the value from varchar to binary(16) in SQL Server.  Is there are more appropriate data type in Automise?

On a related subject, what are the specifications for the Automise data types?  Apologies if it’s written somewhere, but I can’t find it.

Hi Mr Rimmer,

What your doing is correct. String is the best type currently to use for that action.

With regards to the data types in Automise.

- Variant: Is the Delphi variant type.
- Integer: is a 32bit Integer
- DateTime: is a Delphi TDateTime type (Double variable, with the date as the integral part, and time as fractional part. The date is stored as the number of days since 30 Dec 1899).
- String: is the Delphi string type. One based array of characters.
- Float: is the Delphi Extended type. (Storage size 10, 19 significant digits, exponent -4932 to +4932)
- Boolean: is the Delphi Boolean type.

We do our best to convert the value to the type required for the action. If its not possible an error is raised. If the conversion is possible is it performed. E.g. Date to Integer.

Let me know if that is what you were looking for.

Thanks Jason, that answers my question.

In a related matter, what type does “Get File Size” return?  If it uses 32 bit integer it isn’t going to be able to represent the number of bytes in large files (>2Gb) correctly.

That is correct.

Note that for the formatted string variable we convert the int64 into a formatted string. This will allow you to report file sizes larger than 2GB, however not really manipulate the data.

I will raise an issue for FinalBuilder 8 to have a int64 type.