After update to Error trying to view Repositories in server configuartion

When trying to access Administration/Repositories

"An unexpected error occurred: More than one row with the given identifier was found: 32, for class: Continua.Modules.Builds.Repositories.RepositoryData"

And 'No repositories were found.'

I’ve got snapshots so I can revert to the previous version easily, wondering if there’s something I can do to fix this easily?

Hi Brenden

This is a very strange error, since that table is part of a 1 to 1 mapping (looking like a bug in nhibernate) and there is a unique constraint on the id field.

Stop the Continua CI server service, then have a look at the builds_repositorydata table in the database for rows with the id 32.

If you are using the bundled postgresql, you can use c:\Program Files\VSoft Technologies\ContinuaCI\Server\PostgreSQL\bin\pgAdmin3.exe - the db will be localhost, port 9001, username and pwd you can find in :

c:\Program Files\VSoft Technologies\ContinuaCI\Server\Continua.Server.Service.exe.config

If there are duplicate rows, then delete the one with the oldest lastchecked time.

While you are there, check for other duplicate rows.

Thanks. I had to revert the snapshot for now.

We’re using the bundled Postgresql, the installation appeared to backup and restore the DB (at least it said it was ;-). I should be able to take another run at this over the upcoming weekend.

Just had a moment to check, ran:

select id, count(id) from builds_repositorydata
group by id
having count(id) > 1
order by id

Returned 2 rows, ID 32 and 20. I’ll delete the oldest prior to next attempt.

Hi Brenden,

You may need to use the ctid to delete rows with duplicate primary keys. Run the following query to get the ctid values:

SELECT ctid, * FROM builds_repositorydata  
WHERE id = 20 or id = 32

Then use the ctid to delete a specific row:

DELETE FROM builds_repositorydata  
WHERE ctid = '(0,1)'

Can you also check that there is indeed a primary key on the builds_repositorydata table under constraints? It should be called pk_builds_repositorydata. If not, you can recreate it after deleting the duplicates using the following SQL query:

ALTER TABLE public.builds_repositorydata
  ADD CONSTRAINT pk_builds_repositorydata PRIMARY KEY(id);
 We recommend that you reindex the table after removing the duplicates by running:

REINDEX TABLE builds_repositorydata

I had the same problem, and discovered that there was no primary key on this table:


Removing the oldest of the duplicates and creating a primary key solved the problem.

That’s very odd, I went though our db migration code and that pk was there from day one, it’s also there on all our installs here, and on a fresh install I just did. We’ll see if we can add a check for it and add it if it’s missing.

The PK constraint is there.

I added a temporary unique index on ID + lastchecked so I could easily delete the duplicates, then dropped the temporary index I had created.

We’re upgraded to and operating properly at this time.