Add CompilerVersion attribute to Project to resolve Virtual Environmental variables


In order to be able to incrementally upgrade to new versions of Delphi,  my Delphi packages have separate FinalBuilder subprojects for each Compiler Version.  This way I can maintain packages for current and new compiler while upgrading applications.

The location of the package library (destination for DCUs) are specified by environmental variables in Delphi and the "Delphi Build" action nicely picks the relevant virtualised Environmental Variable.

However I also need to copy the .dfm and .res files into the package library.  Unfortunately the "Copy" action (and my own specialised copying executable) does NOT pick the correct virtualised Environmental variable.

I can work around this by overriding the Environmental Variables with Project Variables for the Final Builder subproject so not a show stopper.

However, it would be nice to tag the sub project as targetting a specific CompilerVersion and Virtual Environmental variables could be resolved that way.  (Potentially, compiler Build actions could also use this).

Paul Klink

Hi Paul,

I have logged this into our feature tracker. I will put it forward as something to look at for Finalbuilder 8.