Migrating to a new Domain

My company was purchased so we are migrating our dev and build machines to a new domain. I've managed to backup and restore our original Continua SQL Server DB on the new build machine but I am no longer able to log on (other than as guest). Can't get the system login to work.

Is there a way for me to back door in so that I can update the users so that I can log in. Manually tranfering all our build projects (about 30) would be a major pain since our original Continua Administrator is no longer with our company and he was the resident Continua expert.

Hi Mark,

Yes, it's possible to update Continua CI to work with the new domain.

First, shutdown the Continua CI Server service, then edit the authentication settings in server configuration file (%ProgramFiles%\VSoft Technologies\ContinuaCI\Server\Continua.Server.Service.exe.config). e.g.


Ensure that the 'fqdn' attribute is correct for the new domain and that 'administratorsGroup' is set to a group that exists on the new domain and includes your administration users.

Next you'll need to update the users in the database. Continua CI identifies LDAP users by the username and SID of the logged in Windows user. The username and SID are stored in the 'username' and 'ldapid' columns of the 'core_user' table in the database. Naturally, you should make sure you have an up-to-date backup before making any changes to the database.

First, fix the username column for any users you want to keep, including your main administrator account, and set the archived flag to true for all users. e.g.

UPDATE core_user SET username = REPLACE(username, '@olddomain.companyname.local', '@newdomain.companyname.local'), SET archived = 1

The SID will still be incorrect, however, when a user logs into Continua CI with a username which exists in the database, is archived and has different ldapid, the user will be automatically un-archived and the ldapid column updated to the correct SID.

Note that if, for some reason, this does not work, you can manually update the ldapid column. You can get a list of user SIDs by running the following at a command prompt:

wmic useraccount get name,sid

If you have any LDAP groups set up, you should also update the ldapid in the core_group table. You can use look up a group SID using PowerShell or with the PsGetSid tool

Please let us know how you get along with this, and if you encounter any further issues.

Thank you. I will try this out.

From what I have read, there is no easy way to export projects from one environment and then import them into a new one. Is that correct?

Let me back track a little here. So I’m going to need to move to a new domain, but it isn’t quite ready to be migrated to yet. So right now I’m trying to migrate an existing database to a non domain machine (VM) just so I can learn how to use Continua in order to bring our builds back online. Is it possible to do that with an existing database that was associated with a domain.

Also, the FinalBuilder license we are using is associated with a user who no longer works for this company. Any way to free that license so I can move it to my new environment?

There should be no problems running Continua CI on a non-domain machine. Make sure that you set the service user as machinename\username and that the user account has full permissions to the service share folder.

Continua supports Forms authentication as well as LDAP authentication (see server installation). This is controlled by the mode attribute on the authentication node in the service configuration file. You can set it to mode="Forms" to enable Forms authentication only or mode="Mixed" to enable both LDAP and Forms authentication.

If you are able to log into your existing Continua CI server as an administrator, then set mode="Mixed" in the service configuration file, restart the server, then go to the Users pages in the Administration area and create a new non-LDAP user with a username and password. Make this new user a member of the Administrators group. Copy the database to your new installation on your non-domain workstation, set to Forms authentication mode and log in with the new user.

To transfer the FinalBuilder license send the serial number, name, email address (as much information as possible) to support@finalbuilder.com.

Export/Import functionality is not yet available. We've been working on it in the background and it is currently scheduled for version 1.9.2 (see the road map).