Upgrade fb7 to fb8

(version FinalBuilder


With the “Batch project upgrade”, we have the possibility to upgrade (recursively) all projects from FinalBuilder7 to FinalBuilder8.
Example: all projects “fbz7” files are converted to “fbz8” files (we have 200 projects).

But, How upgrade all projects:
- from the “fbz7” format to the “fbp8” format
- from the “fbz8” format to “fbp8” format ?
(to have the new format “uncompressed DSL” and not “uncompressed XML”)

… and without make manually “open file …fbz7 or fbz8” and next “save as… …fbp8”, with each project.

Is that it’s the same thing (yes or no) ? as :
- rename “my_file.fbz8” to “my_file.zip”
- unzip “my_file.zip”,
- get the “project.fbp8” embedded
- now I have my project with the “fbp8” format (and I can renamed “project.fbp8” to “my_file.fbp8”)


Hi Fred,

We will look into this with in the next few business days. It doesn’t look to be that difficult to add an option for the output project type.

Hi, thanks for your reply.

Meanwhile, is it that I can apply the workaround described ?

(we have 200 projects)
In a loop, I make:
- rename or copy “my_file.fbz8” by “my_file.zip”
- unzip “my_file.zip”,
- get the “project.fbp8” file embedded in this zip
- rename “project.fbp8” by “my_file.fbp8”
- now, my project is with the “fbp8” format
- delete “my_file.fbz8”


Hi Fred,

Yes that should work. Note that the file inside the zipped FinalBuilder project will simply be named “project” so you will need to rename it on extraction.