Use repository ONLY to trigger

I need to use our TFS repository to trigger a build if a change was checked in, but NOT to get the latest from TFS.

Is there a way to do this?

Thinking the right approach is to comment out this line in the Workspace rules:

$Source$ > Source


Commenting out “$Source$ > Source” from the Repository Rules will prevent the repository files from being copied to the agent at the start of the build stage. 

Note that the files will still be checked out to the repository cache on the server when the repository is polled and a new changeset is detected. There is currently no way to stop the files being checked out on the server. 

We could however add this as an option in the future - what scenario do you need this for?

Thanks, modifying the Repository Rules did what I needed.

The check out on the server is not a problem.

Our scenario is that we are using Continua to wrap a FinalBuild script that can also be manually run by devs. The script already does checkouts, gets, checkins, etc… So it would be redundant to have Continua duplicate that work.