Service Logon Privileges error needs to be wrapped; why is it failing anyway? The user already has SeServiceLogonRight

See screenshot:

At first I thought the user was missing the SeServiceLogonRight but that’s not it:

C:\Windows\System32>accesschk.exe /accepteula -q -a SeServiceLogonRight
        IIS APPPOOL\Classic .NET AppPool

This setup used to work in the past, see the screenshots I’ve made back then:…puter-name


Can’t see the screenshot, dropbox reporting 404.

Somehow it got invalidated. It’s now here:

The forum plays URL magic on me; download the screenshot here:

If you use the machine name does that work? Nothing has changed in the installer so not sure what would cause that to stop working.

Yes, that works, but it’s not nice.

Could this be Windows 7 versus Windows 8?
Do you have spare VMs to try on?


Hi Jeroen,

Using “./username” doesn’t work in our tests on Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 or Windows 10.  We’ve not changed this code so we’re not sure how that would have worked in the past. We will however update the installer to deal with this account format.

I’m not sure which version I installed first, but it has worked one day.

So thanks for fixing this in a future version of the installer.
