Writing to a network location (webdav)


Is it possible to write to a webdav network location?

I have added a webdav network location under windows (8.1) and gave a station letter. When I try to write a file to it I get an error that says that it can’t find  the path. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, or that it isn’t possible at all.

Best regards,


Hi Louis,

I haven’t used mapped WebDav network locations that much, but there appears to be a requirement to connect using SSL. From a stackoverflow post that I have located on the matter “By default, Windows 7 and beyond will only deal with WebDAV over secure sockets (SSL).”.

Let me know if this sets you in the right direction.


Hi Jason,

I forgot to mention that the dav connection is working fine and that both reading and writing works fine. What goes wrong is that I get an error if I to do it from within finalbuilder. The dav connection has a station letter assigned to it and the action I am using is write to text file.

The error I get is that the file can not be written because the path is not found.

Best regards,


This sounds like there is a permissions issue for FinalBuilder. Something is not allowing it to see the WebDav mappings, or potentially any mapped network drive. What permissions/user is FinalBuilder running under on your system?