Make build associate the latest changesets from the triggering repository only

Hi all,

I have a triggering TFS repository set to trigger a build once per changeset (with a quiet period) - but build notification emails are also listing the most recent changesets from other non-triggering repositories. This may be by design as I noticed the dropdown in the trigger options allows to associate latest or all since last successful changesets, but from all non-triggering repositories.

Is it possible to list only the changesets from the triggering repository and not the others?

I also plan to set up a second triggering repository from the same TFS team project (but different relative folder paths) for a different build. Is Continua able to distinguish between changesets from two repositories from the same team project area? Assuming I set the relative paths correctly in the repo settings. 


Hi Luke,

The build notification templates should have access to a TriggeringRepositoryId variable but this has somehow been omitted. I’ll put this in for the next version so you can write template code as follows:

{% for change in ChangeSets %}
    {% if TriggeringRepositoryId == null or change.RepositoryId == TriggeringRepositoryId %}
        {{ change.RepositoryName }} / {{ change.Branch }} / {{ change.RepositoryUserName }} / {% for issue in change.Issues %}{% if forloop.last == true %}{{ issue.Name }}{% else %}{{ issue.Name }}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} / {{ change.Comment }}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Note that there isn’t always a triggering repository e.g. when the build is started manually or by a time trigger.

We don’t plan on adding an option to associate only changesets for the triggering repository. We do however plan to mark or highlight the triggering changeset within the list of changesets on the Changes tab of the Build view at some stage in the future.

Thanks Dave - i’ll give the template code a try in the next version.

I think the main issue I have with this is that we’re getting changesets listed that are not associated with the build in any way (i.e. from completely seperate repositories for different products), even though the non-related repositories are not checked/ticked in the repositories stage of the configuration wizard. Should this be the case?

Hi Luke

This definitely shouldn’t be happening. The changesets listed should be only from the repositories associated with the configuration & build.

Can you run a diagnostics report (from the even log view, there is a link at the top of the page) and send the file to so we can try and figure out what the cause might be.

Thanks Vincent i’ll get back to you with a diag report either end of this week or next - currently out of office.

Looks like recreating the problem repository has stopped incorrect changesets being listed - will be in touch if we have issues again.