Link to artifacts or reports

Hi support team,

I’d like to send an email after a successful build. This email should contain a link to a specific file which was registered as artifact (a ZIP file containing the new setup).

The only way I found so far is using $Build.Id$: The emails contains a link to http://MyContinuaCiServer/MyProject/ci/builds/artifacts/$Build.Id$. This will provide a view to ALL artifacts of the current build.

Is there a way to create a link directly to a SPECIFIC artifact?

Best regards

Hi Michael,

There’s currently no way to do this as each artifact is access by a unique id. We will however look into whether we can expose the collection of artifacts to the notification template so you can loop through them. I’ve added this to our to-do list.

Hi Dave,

has this already been implemented. I didn't found anything regarding this so far...

 Best regards



Hi Micheal,

This is still on our todo list. Some initial work that we have been doing to support collections in expressions need to be completed first. 

Hi Dave,

has this already been implemented. I didn’t found anything regarding this so far…

Best regards


Hi Michael,

Yes, artifacts and reports are accessible in completed build notification templates (Build Sucess, Build Failed, Build Fixed, and Build Broken)


{% for artifact in Artifacts  %}{% if artifact.FileName contains 'myArtfact' %}Artifact ' {{artifact.FileName}}'. View:  {{artifact.ViewRawUrl}}. Download:  {{artifact.DownloadUrl}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}

The list of properties available for Artifacts and Reports are shown at the bottom of the template editing page.