Bug with managing Manual Poll URLs


the Repository dialog has a severe bug. If the dialog will be used consecutively, the URL will not be refreshed. Instead the URL of the previously opened repo will be shown.


  1. Administration/Repositories
  2. Configuration/Repositories having multiple repos

This bug has caused us trouble as we have configured TFS webhooks copying wrong URLs.


Hi Thomas,

Thank you for reporting this. We can confirm that there is a bug where the manual poll URL is not refreshed when the Edit Repositories dialog in opened more than once. We will fix this for the next version. Meanwhile a workaround would be to refresh the page after each repository is edited.

Thanks Dave for the workaround :slight_smile:

Iā€™d appreciate, if the following issue can also be addressed:

Hi Thomas,

Version contains an update which fixes this issue and improves the display of the manual poll URL.

Thanks Dave, i confirm the issue fixed :slight_smile: