Connecting to a MySQL server/database to select records

Greetings!  I have managed to execute commands on a MySQL server by using a defined ODBC connection and the osql.exe program and an “Execute Program” action.  However, when I try to use the same logic to SELECT rows from the MySQL server, it does not seem to work.  I give the command line for osql.exe a flag of -o outputfile, but all I see in the outputfile after the Execute Program runs is:

[MySQL][ODBC 5.3(a) Driver][mysqld-5.6.10]Doesn’t support
asynchronous, changed to default
(4302 rows affected)

This is actually the message I see in the log when doing the Execute Program that does deletes and inserts to the MySQL database as well, but the Deletes/Inserts do happen, so I am not worried about it.  However, I am looking to download the actual table data from the MySQL server (the 4302 rows referred to in the message), and I cannot figure out how to do it.  ADO Iterator does not work, even with using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers, because the ODBC DSN I am using is for MySQL, not MS SQL.  

Any ideas?  Is there a workflow I am missing here?  Again, the idea is to connect to a MySQL server/database, and select records from it that I can then iterate through.  Getting the selected data into a text file would be okay too, as I could then manipulate the text file itself.



Hi Jonathan,

It would appear that the version of myODBC your currently using is incompatible with osql, or the version of mySQL being used. All the references to this error I have found point to this incompatibility. I would suggest looking into which version of mySQL, ODBC, myODBC, and osql your using and seeing if they are indeed compatible.

This bug post from mySQL talks about Office 97 needing specific versions of myODBC to work. This is similar to other references I have found.