Control the Flow of Automated Tasks

The Flow Control actions in Automise make it easy to structure your action lists, deal with errors and conditionally execute actions. When utilized effectively, they provide a powerful way to have Windows automation projects flow dynamically based on outcomes during run-time.

Try, Catch and Finally

Automise's Try, Catch and Finally actions enable structured exception handling. The image to the right shows how these actions can be used to create localised error handling.

The Try, Catch and Finally actions also need an End action to complete the block and they all need to be at the same node level in the tree to form a valid block. You can also nest the Try, Catch and Finally blocks, and they can be used in Try/Catch/Finally/End or Try/Catch/End or Try/Finally/End constructs.

Switch, Case and Else

The Switch, Case and Else actions provide a selector construct using simple case insensitive string comparisons.

The Case Action must be a child of the Switch Action, the same goes for the Else. Note that the Else can also be used with the If..Then action as part of your Windows automation project.

When used with the If..Then action, the Else action must be the next sibling action of the If..Then action. Another conditional action is the "If Previous Action Failed" action. This action will only work if it's previous sibling action has Ignore Failure enabled (otherwise the project would stop).

Async Action Group

The Aysnc Action Group enables you to run multiple tasks simultaneously in projects. Run multiple actions simultaneously or entire projects in parallel to speed up the execution of your automation. The image below shows a very simple implementation of the Aysnc Action Group executing 3 DOS commands simultaneously.